Vacuum packaging machine failure and treatment

[Chinese Packaging Network News] Food vacuum packaging machine is usually more common food packaging equipment, many manufacturers are used for a long time, is overloaded, a long time, the device will appear some minor faults, and thus delay the production of enterprises . In order to solve such problems as soon as possible, customers need to understand more about the performance of food vacuum packaging machines and the corresponding treatment methods. Recently, there was feedback from the customer: The lid of the vacuum machine could not be sucked on. For this problem, it was mainly caused by the following conditions.

1, is the deformation of the vacuum chamber. We know that the quality of food vacuum packaging machines in the market is not the same, and the difference is very common. Many manufacturers are looking for equipment at the beginning of procurement in order to become cheap, but after using it for a period of time, it is very prone to this kind of deformation. The vacuum lid of the vacuum packaging machine cannot be pulled.

The quality of Zhuo Li Zhucheng's vacuum machine is recognized by the food packaging industry. Although the price is slightly higher than that of some other manufacturers, it will never be used in similar situations. Long-term use, performance is also very stable.

2, may be caused by the customer's operation error, the wire is reversed. People with experience in life know that if a vacuum machine using a 380V power supply is used, if the power cord is reversed, the vacuum pump will be reversed, and then the vacuum chamber lid cannot be closed to explain the situation. Of course, this is the case. Vacuum machines do not work and cannot vacuum. This situation is very easy to solve, as long as you reconnect it. However, it is best for operators not to make such low-level mistakes and damage the equipment very much.

3, trip switch is damaged. The upper cover of the vacuum chamber needs to touch the stroke switch on the machine when it is closed. However, if the upper cover is not touched or the trip switch malfunctions or is damaged, the upper cover of the vacuum chamber cannot be closed. appear.

Vacuum packaging machine is one of the most commonly used and hot selling packaging equipment in the packaging industry. Vacuum packaging equipment rarely fails compared to traditional packaging machinery. However, due to the high degree of automation, the machine may malfunction due to operational errors. , resulting in the normal packaging work, and vacuum packaging machine maintenance costs are relatively high, it is necessary to learn to solve the common minor problems in production.