Door and window structure English terminology

Entrance and store facade ENTRANCE & STOREFRONTS
Automatic entrance doors
Automatic push-pull flat entrance door auto-sliding flat panel entrance doors
Entrance door
Metal window metal windows
Steel window
Aluminum window aluminum windows
Stainless steel window stainless steel windows
Wooden window wood windows
Plastic window vinyl windows
Special window special windows
Outdoor roll shutters exterior roll-up windows shutters
Skylights and roof lighting SKYLIGHTS
Roof window roof windows
Hardware accessories HARDWARE
Door hardware door hardware
Sliding and folding door hardware sliding & folding door hardware
Door operator
Sealing strips, sills and sealants weatherstripping,thresholds & seals
Electronic locking systems
Window hardware window hardware & specialties
Door and window accessories door and window accessories
Glass and related products GLAZING
Glass glass
Metal door and door frame METALS DOORS & FRAMES
Steel doors & frames steel doors & frames
Aluminum door and door frame aluminum doors and frams
Stainless steel doors and door frames stainless steel doors and frams
Brass door and door frame bronze doors and frams
Wood and plastic door and door frame WOOD & PLASTIC DOORS & FRAMES
Wooden door
Plastic door/plastic laminate-faced doors
Special door SPECIAL DOORS
Sliding doors and grilles sliding doors & grilles
Security door detention/security doors
Rolling shutters and grilles coiling doors & grilles
Industrial plant and shed factory door industrial & hangar doors
Folding doors and grilles folding doors & grilles
Blast-resistant doors

Document.body.oncopy = function () { setTimeout( function () { var text = clipboardData.getData("text"); if (text) { text = text + " This article comes from China Wooden Door Network, China's well-known wooden door industry portal Website! (http://) Detailed reference: "+location.href; clipboardData.setData("text", text); } }, 100) }

Pressure cooking is the process of cooking food, using water or other cooking liquid, in a sealed vessel, known as apressure cooker. As pressure cooking cooks food faster than conventional cooking methods, it saves energy. Pressure is created by boiling a liquid, such as water or broth, inside the closed pressure cooker. The trapped steam increases the internal pressure and allows the temperature to rise. After use, the pressure is slowly released so that the vessel can be opened safely.

Pressure cooking can be used for quick simulation of the effects of long braising. Almost any food which can be cooked in steam or water-based liquids can be cooked in a pressure cooker.

pressure cooker

Presser Cooker

Presser Cooker,Aluminum Pressure Cooker,Copper Pressure Cooker,Low Pressure Cooker