Packaging Container Structure Design and Manufacturing - Fundamentals (1)

The first packaging structure design basis

Basic requirements: understand the function and design of packaging containers, evaluation methods

Chapter 1 Introduction to Packaging Containers

Section 1 Packaging Containers Overview

The packaging container is a solid container for containing and restricting the contents to be packaged, serving the circulation, storage, transportation, and sales of the commodity. In general, packaging containers are mainly used in the transport packaging and sales packaging of goods.

The structure of the packaging container has a great influence on the packaging of the goods. The designed container structure performance will directly affect the strength, stiffness, stability and practicality of the package, ie, the packaging container structure directly affects the realization of the packaging function. At the same time, the structure of the packaging container also has a direct impact on the design and decoration design of the packaging.

I. Functional and Structural Design Elements of Packaging Containers

(1) Function of packaging container

The function of the packaging container is reflected in the following aspects in the packaging of the product: containment and protection of the packaged product, convenience and practicality, and appearance.

1 Inclusion and protection of packaged products

This is the primary function of the packaging container. The packaging container should be capable of reliably containing the quantity of the product to be packaged so as to ensure that there will not be any leakage and leakage, so that the packaged product will not be damaged in the process of transportation, loading and unloading and use, and itself will satisfy strength, rigidity and stability. Sexual requirements. The materials used for packaging containers are also safe for the products being packaged, and they do not interact with each other.

2 easy to use

That is, the structure of the packaging container should be pleasant. The structure and shape of the packaging container should not harm the human body and adapt to the operation and handling of the human body during use.

3 Beautiful appearance The designed packaging container is beautiful in appearance. The structure of the packaging container should be adapted to the design and decoration design, in line with the aesthetic requirements of the goods.

Therefore, the design elements of the packaging container are: the packaged product, the packaging container material, and the environmental conditions of circulation.

(2) Packaged Products

The packaged product is the research object of the structural design of the packaging container, and all properties must be clearly defined before the structural design, including: use and characteristics, shape and state, quality and size, vulnerability, water resistance, rust resistance, Anti-mildew type, pollution and so on.

(3) Packaging Container Materials

There is a wide variety of materials used in modern packaging and it has been increasing with the development of materials science. The packaging designer must master the properties and characteristics of various packaging materials, understand the compatibility between the packaging container materials and the packaged products, and always pay attention to the availability of new materials, and properly select the appropriate materials in the design.

(4) Environmental conditions

After being packaged and packaged by the packaging container, the packaged product becomes a commodity, which finally reaches the hands of users and consumers through circulation. All the external conditions that come into contact with the circulation are the circulation environment conditions, which are the main external factors that cause the packaged product to be damaged. The environmental conditions that affect the structural design of packaging containers are mainly the following types:

1Physical factors: Including impact, vibration and stacking, static pressure during transportation.
2 biochemical factors: including temperature, humidity, rain, radiation, harmful gases, microbes and other natural conditions.
3 human factors: including rough handling.

In the structural design of packaging containers, we must fully consider the above three major elements, coordinate the various contradictions that may occur in the design, and optimize the structural design.

(2) Packaging Container Materials

Before the invention of fire, humans only used materials that were directly taken from the natural world such as leaves, clam shells, bamboo tubes, and hides. With the use of fire, people learned to bake clay containers with fire, and then produced pottery packaging materials. And then later, with the development of productivity, people learned to use textile materials for packaging.

The emergence of paper packaging began approximately in the Tang Dynasty (after AD 589), when paper packaging, such as tea and food, was commonly used for commodity packaging. Glass also uses older packaging materials. According to archaeological findings, as early as 4,000 years ago, Egyptians had already used glass. Until now, due to excellent barrier properties of glass containers, it is not appropriate to cause environmental pollution. Glass packaging has also become important. Packaging materials.

In 1620, the British began to use tinplate to make metal barrels and metal cans. Due to the excellent packaging capabilities of metal cans, historically tin (tiny) tin cans were once the main food packaging container. To date, tin cans are still the main packaging containers for canned foods worldwide, with the exception of glass cans.

Another type of metal packaging container, the metal hose, was invented in 1841. It has excellent packaging functions such as light weight, easy access, hygienic, long shelf life, easy handling and because it is suitable for mass production and Automatic packaging, now, it has become a packaging container for medicines, cosmetics, toothpaste, facial creams, spreads, lubricants, adhesives, pigments, inks, fillers, etc. for household, medical and industrial products.
At present, the main packaging materials are the following:

1 Paper and Cardboard 2 Plastic 3 Metal 4 Glass 5 Ceramic Packaging Container Development Diagram