Nine major home beds

The bed is a must in the bedroom and is closely related to people's daily rest. Li Wei Weng once said in the "Let's Love", "When life is a hundred years old, it is half of the day, half of the night. Royal carriage soft furniture share the place where the day is , or a church or a donkey, or a boat or a car, there is no place to be there, but at night, there is only one bed. It is a bed, but it is a part of my life, which is more than the same. The thickest person is the one who is the thickest." Because of the important role of the bed, the placement of the bed is more important. The placement of a bed generally requires consideration of the following aspects:
First, for the bed itself, it is necessary to consider whether its length and width are suitable for the human body, whether the bed surface is flat, and whether it has good support and comfort. The height of the bed is generally slightly higher than the knees of the sleeping person. Remember that the bed should not be attached to the floor. The bottom of the bed should be empty. Do not stack any debris. Otherwise, it will not be ventilated, and it will be easy to store moisture, causing back pain.
Second, no matter where you put the bed, you should let the owner see the bedroom door and window in the bed. There is bright sunshine shining on the bed. This arrangement helps to absorb the energy of nature and is more conducive to health.
Third, the bedroom door should not be on the bed, the bed can not rely on the door or back door. This is because the doorway is also the vent, and people will inevitably be affected when they are sleeping in the air. They are prone to illness or restlessness. Because of the need for a peaceful environment for sleep, the bed back door is susceptible to interference and fright.
Fourth, the bed is best to choose the south door orientation, in line with the magnetic attraction. Sleeping head south or north is good for health, because in the blood circulation system of the human body, the aorta and large veins are the most important, and their direction is consistent with the direction of the head and foot of the human body. When the human body is in the north-south water lily direction, the aorta and the large vein are the most important, and the direction is consistent with the human body's head and foot. When the human body is sleeping in the north and south, the aorta and the large veins are oriented, and the human body sleeps in the direction of the magnetic field lines north and south of the earth. At this time, people are most likely to fall asleep and have the highest quality of sleep. Therefore, the north-south orientation has certain disease prevention and health care functions.
Fifth, the bed should be unrealistic, the bed should be against the wall, unreliable windows. If the bed is not against the wall, the bed must have a headboard, so that the head does not hang, and the bedside can not be a toilet or a kitchen.
Sixth, there must be no beam presses to avoid feelings of depression and damage to people's physical and mental health. Such cases include the fact that the beam door cannot be pressed, the split-unit air conditioner indoor unit cannot be hung above the pillow position, and the chandelier cannot be hung in the front of the bed. These are all in the category of beam presses.
Seven, the bed can not be mirrored. Because getting up in the middle of the night is easily frightened by the mirror image, the spirit is uneasy, causing dizziness. If there is a mirror-to-bed in the bedroom, you can cover it with a decoration at night or turn it to the wall. It is best to embed the mirror inside the bedroom closet, which can be used flexibly.
Eight, the bedside table is higher than the bed, which is beneficial to improve the wisdom of sleepers, improve the quality of sleep, and enhance the marital relationship.
Nine, the bed and the bedroom wall should be parallel or vertical, so as to avoid the abruptness of the indoor moving line and bring a sense of instability.

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