Yoga trilogy restores good body after childbirth

1, supine relaxation

Action essentials

Lying on the ground, legs straight, slightly apart, feet and legs should be relaxed, arms spread out, palms up, forming a 45-degree angle with the body torso.

Stretch the back of the neck as much as possible, and the chin is lifted inward to extend the spine.

Note: To really lie straight, the left and right sides of the body are equally relaxed.

Benefits: Relax muscles, eliminate fatigue; make breathing more coordinated and fuller, help mental consciousness, calm mind and restore energy.

2, boat

Supine, legs straight, arms flat on the side, palm down.

Inhale, lift your head, upper torso, legs and arms all the way out of the ground.

The arms should be stretched forward and parallel to the ground. While keeping the air in the air, keep this position for as long as possible, which is not to be forced.

Exhale, restore your legs and torso and relax your body. Repeat this exercise 3 times.

Benefits: Helps tighten the abdominal muscles; promotes intestinal peristalsis and improves digestion.

3, cat stretch

Kneeling on both knees, hips sitting on the heels and straightening the back.

Lift your hips and put your hands on the ground.

Inhale, raise your head, and contract your back muscles for 5 seconds.

Exhale, hang your head, arch the spine, and hold for another 5 seconds. The arms are straight and perpendicular to the ground.

Benefits: Helps the uterus return to its normal position and has a beautiful back and abdomen effect.

4, tiger style

Kneeling on both knees, hips sitting on the heels, the spine should be straight.

Stretch forward with both hands, put on the floor, raise your hips, and make a crawling position. Both eyes look straight ahead.

Inhale and stretch your right leg backwards. Don't breathe, bend your right knee and point your knees toward your head. Gaze up and hold for 5 seconds.

Exhale, put the knees back under the hips, close to the chest, the toes above the ground, the eyes look down, the nose close to the knees, the spine should be arched.

Extend the right leg to the back and make 5 times for each leg.

Benefits: Reduce fat in the hips and thighs and strengthen the reproductive organs.

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