Chestnut preservation paper development

【 Record Number 】 304167
[Record Type] Abstract [Restricted Use] Domestic [project year number] 0400050519
[Name of the result] Chestnut preservation paper development [Provincial city] Zhejiang
[Category] TS761.3 F276.3
【 Key words 】 chestnut cling paper, paper, agricultural paper
The project uses all kinds of inorganic mineral chemical substances for chemical synthesis, made of paper-like preservation materials, replacing organic chemical preservation products to achieve the preservation effect. The project will play a major role in adjusting the agricultural structure. The project was completed as planned and put into mass production. It has passed the provincial acceptance and the project technology department has taken the leading domestic level.
[Results category] Plan item [Level of achievement] Domestic advanced

Reproduced from: China Pulp and Paper Network

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