Design of Card Management System Based on B/S Structure

With the maturity of IC and its terminal equipment technology, the cost of adopting IC cards for auxiliary operation management is reduced. Therefore, the use of IC cards is gradually reduced from these larger enterprises or organizations to smaller scales and more dispersed operations. The chain of institutions is diverging. Due to the restrictions on the operation mode and scale of chain operators, their card management system is not suitable for development with the traditional C/S structure.

1. introduction

Traditionally, due to cost reasons, IC cards are generally used for large-scale enterprises or departments, such as "one card" used as a settlement tool for schools, time cards for companies as attendance, and so on. Therefore, the card management system - its functions include card issuance, recharge, loss reporting, etc., its number of clients is relatively small, relatively fixed, relatively concentrated, generally adopted C / S structure for development.

However, with the maturity of IC and its terminal equipment technology, the cost of using IC cards for auxiliary operation management is reduced. Therefore, the use of IC cards is gradually reduced to some smaller enterprises and organizations. The chain of institutions is diverging. Due to the large number of branches, small scale and scattered geographical distribution, the traditional C/S structure of the card management system brings a lot of system maintenance, expansion and use costs, which is not conducive to IC. The effective integration of cards and chain operators. Therefore, this paper proposes to develop the card management system using the B/S structure. The development of the card management system of the B/S structure is different from the C/S structure. Since the B/S structure of the system has only a common browser for its clients, this paper proposes an OCX embedded web page method to provide an interface for browsers to operate hardware devices such as card readers. The system server of the B/S structure is heavily burdened. The problem of this paper is to adopt the method of database split table design and browser page request equalization design to reduce the server burden and reduce the system performance requirements. As B/S faces the wide area network, this paper proposes to use information encryption. Method to ensure the security of information such as system account.

2. The card management system of the chain operation organization

2.1 Proposal of chain management card management system

The so-called chain operation refers to a modern organizational form in which a number of peer-to-peer stores are connected by a unified store name, a unified logo, a unified management method, and unified management means to jointly purchase goods, distribute sales, and share scale benefits. And the mode of operation has become a common mode of operation and organization in the retail, catering and service industries in China, and has accelerated the penetration of many industries such as automobiles, medicines, home building materials and gas stations, showing the strong vitality and development potential of the factory. . At present, IC cards have been widely used in chain operations, but they are more of an "e-wallet", information generated by consumers in the process of credit card consumption, reflecting the operation of chain operators. , not used. The information required by the management of the chain management organization to manage and make decisions about the business activities of the organization is still obtained through the traditional paper reporting methods of each branch, and the information feedback is not timely and inefficient. Therefore, it develops a card management system for chain operators, collects information generated by consumers' actions such as swiping cards, and can perform necessary statistical analysis to provide decision-making support for decision-making layers, replacing traditional methods of manual and paper. Can improve the efficiency of the organization and the accuracy of decision-making.

The card management system of the chain operation organization needs to realize the following functions: [1] The management of the head office enters the system by login, and through the selection and input of search conditions, the member information, the branch operation information, the product sales information, etc. are searched and counted. Management operations, providing decision support for the implementation of new advertising strategies, optimization of branch business scope, and development of merchandise sales plans; [2] by entering the system through login, new members are opened, members' credit card consumption, and membership card recharge , the loss of the membership card, the retrieval statistics of the store operation information and other operations. As shown in Figure 1.

2.2 Design of the card management system of the B/S organization

Due to the use of the card management system by chain operators, the frequency of use of branches and head offices is different. Branches are frequent, and management uses the system far less than the branch, so in order to ensure the robustness of the system as much as possible, and to ensure the use of the card system by each branch, and the decision-making staff of the head office or The management personnel are relatively independent of the use or management of the card service system. This paper divides the entire card management system into the following two sub-systems: the management center system that is only open to decision makers/management personnel, and the branch system that is only open to branches. Different from the traditional card management system, because the chain operation organization has the characteristics of small branch size, geographical dispersion, and frequent expansion, the system development cannot adopt the general C/S software structure. The development of the system with the B/S structure can well meet the requirements of the expansion of the chain operation organization, and because of its low maintenance cost and simple use, the maintenance and use cost of the system is reduced, and the cost is saved.

In this kind of chain operation, the branch is a window directly facing the members, directly dealing with the member activities, and can also provide different services to the members according to the different permissions of the branches, such as the member's credit card consumption, credit card recharge, and new members. Etc., this information is the store's operational information. This information is collected and aggregated into the central database of the system through the use of the system by the branch, providing a basis for management's decision support and other actions. The use of the system by the branch should at least improve the two interfaces: one is to provide manual operation of the system, for example: information input, human-computer interaction interface for handling the system in an unexpected situation; second, providing terminals such as card reading devices, Connect to the interface of the system. Some operations, such as reloading a membership card, require both the card reader to read the card number and the need to manually enter the refill amount information;

The branch system collects relevant information required by the company's management through the following methods: On the one hand, when the consumer directly swipes the consumption activity, the system automatically summarizes the data to the central database; on the other hand, the branch manually operates the branch system to realize the information. collection.

The management center system needs to be able to provide convenient and efficient management of information for all members and branches, provide a basis for decision-making at the decision-making level of the company, and strengthen contact with members; because the use of the system by the branch is a legal account authorized by the central system. The services provided by the branches to the members are determined by the authorization of the central system, so the central system must have strict branch authorization and management mechanisms; the central system must also provide the necessary analysis and summary decisions for the information collected by the system. Support means, such as: generating and printing various reports as required, generating and printing specific curves or charts, etc., instead of traditional manual practices, to achieve the purpose of improving the efficiency of the enterprise.

2.3 Several key issues of the B/S structure card management system

As mentioned above, to achieve this new card management system, the difference from the traditional C/S architecture is to solve/implement three problems: the browser implements operations on terminal devices such as card readers; Reduce the burden on the server as much as possible, increase the reliability of the system; how to ensure the security of the system.

In the following, the author adopts three methods in order to make the best possible solution/improvement of the three aspects of the B/S architecture system that may be faced above.

2.3.1 Using OCX to Provide an Interface Between Browser and Terminal

We know that the B/S architecture software does not have a dedicated "client" software, only a generic browser, such as IE. The browser is just a browsing tool, and it can't operate the terminal device such as the card reader itself. Therefore, we must take other ways to solve this problem. We use the corresponding OCX control to embed the webpage and provide browsing. The interface between the device and the terminal device, so that the read/write operation of the terminal device can be realized only by using the browser without the special client software. Each OCX control has a unique ID. In the web page, the OCX control can be sneaked into the web page [1] through the Javascript scripting language. An example is as follows:
OBJ = document.getElementById("OcxID");

2.3.2 Split table design for massive data tables

The most frequent user operation on the database is data query. In order to improve the ability of data retrieval, the database introduces an indexing mechanism. According to one of the most frequent access habits to establish a cluster index in a column, can greatly improve the access efficiency of the database [2]. However, although the index can improve the query performance of the database table, but it affects the update of the database table, so for those tables that are updated frequently, it is not suitable for indexing. At the same time, access to data in a massive data table is not equal, and people are often more interested in data within a certain range. Based on the above two reasons, some researchers have proposed that sub-table design of massive data tables according to certain principles can effectively reduce the time of data query.

It has been proved that a split table design split into n sub-tables, when the query has no packet statistics (ie group), the query time of the split table design, the best case can reach 1/n before the split table, the worst case About the same as before the split; when the query has group statistics, the best query time is 1/n2 before the split table, and the worst time is equivalent to before the split table [3]. So how do you determine the principle of the split table? An important principle when building a clustered index is that the cluster index is built on the column that is most commonly used as a query condition. Therefore, this paper proposes the principle of such a "sub-list" design: without considering the constraint factors, it is assumed that the large table can be built. Cluster index. Then, the "cluster index" column is the "sub-column column" for splitting the table. The efficiency of querying the split table with this column is improved, similar to the improvement of query efficiency by the index, and the frequency of the column as the query condition when querying the table. The higher the frequency, the more efficiency is improved.

2.3.3 Optimization of client data requests

In addition to the above, due to the long time of querying the database for a long time and increasing the burden on the server, there is also a situation in which the server burden is increased, that is, the "client" frequently requests data to the server. This situation may happen frequently. For example, when you enter a keyword to search in Baidu, Baidu does not return all pages to the browser at once, but returns the first page of the search results. When people are interested in a subsequent page. At the time, the browser submits the request to the server again, and the page information is returned by the server. Each time you click on the page number of the subsequent page, you need to submit a page request to the server, which results in frequent access to the server and even the database.

We have noticed that usually we get a lot of search results, and people don't look at each result one by one. People always lose a little interest after watching a limited number of pages [4]. So we design a suitable P. When the browser submits a page request to the server, the server does not return a page, but returns a P page. In the next P-1 page request, the browser directly uses the results already stored in the cache without having to request it again, as shown in Figure 3. In this way, the frequency of accessing the server can be reduced to the original 1/P.

The authors found that more than 75% of users have a range of interest within three pages, which shows that, despite the large amount of data retrieved, in most cases, people are only interested in the first three pages. Considering the size of the hypertext of each resulting web page, as well as the current network bandwidth, it is possible to take appropriate redundant data (for example, 3 pages) in one visit.

2.3.4 System Security Design

Encryption technology is the core of network security [5]. Since the system is developed with B/S and runs on the WAN, the security of the system and the confidentiality of key information must be considered. For a system running on a wide area network, but only for a specific user, the most important means of access is the account number. By establishing a strict account and rights management mechanism, the system can be opened to specific users. .

The confidentiality of the user's password is the basis for ensuring the security of the system. However, the security of passwords is seriously threatened by means of network monitoring and planting Trojan viruses. The password may be stolen during the process of submitting it to the server for verification. Therefore, we need to encrypt the password and then transfer it. At present, MD5 is a better encryption algorithm, and encryption of passwords is sufficient. For the protection of encryption and password, a Trojan virus appears. It does not need to listen to the datagram to obtain the password information. Instead, it infects the target client, and the user enters the login interface to record the user's keyboard action when logging in. Therefore, effective prevention can be achieved by designing a dynamic soft keyboard.

3. Implementation and application

The structure and design proposed in this paper for the chain management card management system has been successfully applied to the development and practice of the card management system of a chain operation organization. The number of branches under the chain operation organization is 20. In this system, it is necessary to maintain a consumption flow meter, the number is about 20,000 per day. The method of sub-listing is to list by month. Since the flow update is mainly in the current month, there are few updates in the past month, so the index is built in the previous month. No index is built in the current month; in the system, P in the data access equalization design takes 3; the encryption algorithm uses MD5. The system is stable and the user responds well.

4. in conclusion

IC cards have become more and more widely used in chain operations, and it is meaningful to develop a card management system suitable for the chain business model. In view of the characteristics of chain operation, this paper proposes the use of B/S structure to develop the system, and discusses several problems that may arise in the system, and proposes solutions or improvements. And through the actual system development and operation, it has been verified.

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[5] Cai Wei, Wei Hongru. Information system security theory and technology. Beijing University of Technology Press

About the author: School of Information Technology, Nankai University Yuan Zhenkun Tianjin Nankai Sun High Technology Co., Ltd. Wen Yuhua

A coffee utensil is a device or tool used for coffee and tea preparation. 

 Common kitchen tasks include cutting food items to size, heating food on an open fire or on a stove, baking, grinding, mixing, blending, and measuring; different utensils are made for each task. A general purpose utensil such as a chef's knife may be used for a variety of foods; other Kitchen Utensils are highly specialized and may be used only in connection with preparation of a particular type of food, such as an coffee spoon or an coffee tamper. Some specialized utensils are used when an operation is to be repeated many times, or when the cook has limited dexterity or mobility. The number of utensils in a household kitchen varies with time and the style of cooking.

A partially overlapping category of tools is that of eating utensils, which are tools used for eating (c.f. the more general category of tableware). Some utensils are both kitchen utensils and eating utensils. Cutlery (i.e.spoon and other cutting implements) can be used for both food preparation in a kitchen and as eating utensils when dining. 

Coffee and tea utensil

Stainless Steel Tea Utensil,Coffee Capsule Holder,Coffee Container