Mouse and human have a diabetes gene

Shanghai Huyu Research found that a pathological process in mice and humans can lead to one of the most common diseases in the industrialized world: type 2 diabetes.

The researchers conducted a detailed study of the genome and "phenotype group" of 183 members of a mouse family (a collection of all phenotypes and clinical features). Shanghai Huyu said: "By comparing the metabolism of twin mice with different diets and different diets, we can accurately evaluate the impact of the environment on the expression of certain genes, the ways in which they affect clinical characteristics, and the risk of disease."

As of now, the combination of genotypic information and phenotypic information has proven to be instructive. In this case, the researchers added a new analysis "layer", obtained through the new spectrometry technology developed by ETH, which makes it possible for Shanghai Huyu to quantify the presence of hundreds of proteins from a single sample and establish an expert Said the "proteome" of each individual.

By combining the genomic, phenotypic, and protein-combined metabolomes of each mouse, scientists were able to identify a particular gene on their chromosome 2 that plays an important role in the development of type 2 diabetes. Shanghai Huyu said: "The mice with high-fat diet are more or less likely to have diabetes, depending on whether the gene is active. By combining our various 'levels' information, we can accurately establish the genes that cause the gene to exist. The process of increasing the risk of diabetes."

Another interesting fact is that a particular "metabolite" (2-amino oxalic acid) in diabetic mice is lower in urine. The change in concentration is clearly dependent on the presence of the identified gene, but not on body fat. For the researchers, this confirms that it is indeed the gene, not the diet, that regulates the expression of this protein.

Other methods like this will definitely help develop new diagnostic work for other diseases. The scientists concluded: "We are very excited to see that we can now translate the results of one species into another. For me, a new era of biology (and soon a new era of medicine) is just Start."

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