Dry winter tricks to care for the skin

Dry winter tricks to care for the skin

  First, facial care

1. Cleaning work For the first rush, in the case of dry climate, it is best to choose a mild cleansing product with moisturizing ingredients. In general, cleansing milk and cleansing milk are all right in winter. Try to use less cleansing oil to the cleansers.

2, do not wash your face with hot water even in cold climates, insist on washing your face with cold water to keep your facial skin elastic. If you can't stick to it, try washing your face with warm water.

3, the choice of skin care products in winter mainly depends on its moisturizing performance.

4. After finishing the work of cleansing, firming and moisturizing, consider using a serum that deeply moisturizes the skin.

5, scrub can be used once a week, it can effectively remove dead skin, so that dry skin easily absorb the moisturizing ingredients in skin care products.

6, to complete the toner after the cleansing work, it is best not to choose alcohol, because alcohol can easily cause dry skin.

7, winter can not ignore the skin's sunscreen work, because ultraviolet light is not just patronizing the summer.

8, the dry climate in winter will cause the loss of skin moisture, but do not imitate the summer practice to sprinkle water on the face, which will make the skin more dry, and even cause cracks.

9, when nursing the face, don't forget to take care of the neck, so as not to be inconsistent when the spring is diarrhea.

10. Some people say that drinking water can improve the dryness of the skin. Although there is no scientific basis, it is an indisputable fact that drinking water can regulate the body's metabolism and eliminate toxins in the body.

Second, eye care

Cold weather is prone to slowing blood circulation, so the condition of dark circles in winter is much more serious than in summer. The solution is to use your fingers to gently massage around the eyelids. In the winter, don't use the moisturizer, but use a moisturizing eye cream.

Third, the care of the lips

1. It is normal for the lips to peel during the winter. In this case, don't use your tongue to dry your lips. This will only be counterproductive. The smart thing is to carry lip balm with you.

2. Apply a layer of lip balm before using lipstick. This not only prevents the pigment in the lipstick from penetrating into the lines of the lips, but also moisturizes the effect.

3. If your lips are extremely sensitive, it is best to choose the essential oil with natural ingredients to care for the lips.

4, when the lip peeling is serious, you can replace the scrub with a wet towel before going to sleep, remove the dead skin, and then apply Vaseline. In this way, when you wake up the next morning, the lips will become moist.

Dry winter tricks to care for the skin

Fourth, the body skin care

1. The water temperature at the time of bathing can be kept at 40 degrees Celsius. Excessive water temperature will take away the natural oils on the skin and make the skin dry.

2, choose a mild bathing liquid to complete the winter bath. An alkaline bath will leave your skin feeling tight and uncomfortable. Try not to use it.

3. After the bath is finished, gently pat the water on the body with a large towel. When the skin is in a slightly damp state, rub the moisturizer.

5. Care of the hands and feet

1, winter hands and feet will appear snake skin pattern due to dry climate, so carry a hand cream when going out. When you wash your hands and use hand cream, you can gently pat the back of the hand to promote blood circulation, so that the skin of the hand absorbs the moisturizing ingredients in the hand cream more effectively.

2, if the skin is very dry, before going to sleep at night, also apply hand cream on the hand. More serious people should use the essence to solve the problem.

3, the crack phenomenon often appears in the hard skin part of the heel, and the cause of the hard skin is due to the accumulation of keratin formed by metabolism, the long days will form a thick and hard dead skin. After bathing, use a pumice stone to remove the dead skin, remove the stratum corneum, and then apply a scrub. >>>   Eliminate chapped peeling and fall and winter can also have toot lips

4. If the crack is serious or even bleeding, after the above steps, apply a layer of wrap or film on the heel. This is like giving a heel to the heel.

Six, hair care

1, winter hair breaks splitting is a very common phenomenon, this time to do a good job of hair care. Brush your messy hair before washing your hair. This can promote blood circulation in the scalp, and it is worth reminding ladies that this simple step is often overlooked.

2, do not use too hot water to wash the head, the water temperature of about 40 degrees Celsius is most conducive to cleaning the dirt on the hair.

3, to solve the problem of hair dryness can choose a protein-rich shampoo. The trick of shampooing is to massage the scalp, which can speed up the secretion of sebum and allow the hair roots to get proper moisture.

4, to strengthen the moisturizing degree of hair, you can use the towel to dry the hair after washing the hair, massage the scalp for 10 minutes, comb the hair with a hair lotion. This way the hair will moisturize after drying.

5, if you want to wear hair without static electricity, it is best to comb with a comb made of piglets.

6, the best way to prevent the occurrence of dandruff is to wash your hair with shampoo to remove dandruff, remove excessive oil in time.

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